Hinckley Yachts are legendary. Hinckley Yacht Services brings legendary support for all makes and models. For expert paint, refit, repower, storage, mobile service or transient slips from Maine through Florida, Hinckley Yacht Services is always on call for you.
Hinckley Service Yards - East Coast

Portsmouth, Rhode Island
1 Little Harbor Landing Portsmouth, RI 02871
Tel: 401-683-7100
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Stamford, Connecticut
2 Selleck Street, Stamford, CT 06902
Tel: 203-274-8340
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Annapolis, Maryland
1656 Homewood Landing Road,
Annapolis, MD 21409
Tel: 443-951-4380
Visit Page
Easton, Maryland
8600 Brooks Drive, Easton, MD 21601
Tel: 410-226-5113
Visit Page
Savannah, Georgia
2400 Mechanics Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404
Tel: 912-629-2400
Visit Page
Stuart, Florida
4550 SE Boatyard Drive, Stuart, FL 34997
Tel: 772-287-0923
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Hinckley Sweetwater in Fort Myers, Florida
16991 State Road 31, Fort Myers, FL 33905
Tel: 239-261-2870
Visit PageAuthorized Service Locations: West Coast
Authorized Service Locations: Great Lakes
Authorized Service Locations: International
Vortec Marine: Portsmouth, UK
16, The Slipway, Port Solent, Portsmouth PO6 4TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1489 854 792
Emv Marine: Barcelona, Spain
Port de Badalona, Moll de la ribera, 13-14, 08912 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 320 75 31
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